Friday, November 16, 2012

Sonic Boiler

The issue of over unity energy, sonic Boilers and the development of the these incredible energy saving issues and machines will continue to grow. Currently most of these experiments are done outside the US.

Sonic Boiler

Well, we don’t really know how quickly Peter Davey’s “sonic boiler” is supposed to be working. The article says it boils the water “within seconds”, which is a bit of a fuzzy definition. I’d like to see exactly how fast it actually does boil it.

And if you want to transfer energy to a liquid, hitting the resonant frequency of that amount of liquid in that container is actually not a good way to do it. That’ll just spray water up the walls. And talk of “resonances” is of course practically diagnostic of crackpottery.

But, making the usual allowances for scientific illiteracy in the popular press, it’s possible that someone could have come up with a way to dump energy into water faster than your normal immersed heating element can do it.

Immersed elements are already pretty darn good, though.

The “2200-2400W” electric jug in my kitchen will bring half a litre of water to a good enthusiastic boil in about eighty seconds, and it draws as much power as you can get from the maximum ten-amp-per-socket current rating of 220-240V countries like Australia and New Zealand, where this inventor resides.

The sonic boiler could be running at 15 amps or more, but that’s cheating; 15-amp sockets are special equipment (used for things like air conditioners), and anybody can boil tons of water in half a second if they’re allowed to use as much electricity as they like.

About 500ml is the minimum amount you can put in most electric jugs without leaving some of the heating element hanging in the air to overheat. It’s also two mugs worth of liquid. So, as Peter Davey says, people certainly do often boil more water than they need. But making an electric jug of conventional design that can heat one mug worth of liquid is not a great engineering challenge. Let’s do the sums and see how fast such a jug could perform, in Physics Experiment Land where pulleys have no friction and cows are spherical.

Sonic Boiler physics

The (physics, rather than dietary) calorie is the amount of thermal energy necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one Celsius degree. So if you start with 250 millilitres of water at 25°C (which means almost exactly 250 grams of it) and need to raise it all to 100°C, you need 75*250=18,750 calories, which is 78,450 joules.

A joule is a watt-second. So if you’ve got a 2400-watt heater that transfers heat with perfect efficiency to water, you must run it for 32.7 seconds to do this job.

Taking that into account, my electric jug is, clearly, not that far from the theoretical maximum water-heating efficiency.

Assuming its element could be fully submerged in only 250ml of water, that water would boil in about forty seconds, which is only 1.22 times the Physics Experiment Land time for the job.

Given that the element has to heat up from the inside out, and that some energy is lost through the walls of the jug, and that some more is lost to internal evaporation and sound and so on, this electric jug is clearly working about as well as it even theoretically could, when you take real-world limitations into account. Some other 2400-watt heater, built in such a way as to be less limited, could only possibly do the job in 82% of the time, unless it was magically getting energy from nowhere. And Peter Davey does not appear to be making any such claims.

(I’m also assuming that he’s not cheating by pre-heating the boiler before it’s dipped in the water. It’s not hard to boil water “instantly” if you drop a red-hot rock in it.)

So I say good luck to this bloke. He may well have come up with a genuinely new and interesting heater element design, which may have advantages over existing bare immersible heaters, which are generally rather dangerous things. And his heater may work very nicely with even small amounts of water, which in itself is a step forward; you can get electric kettles with the element built into the baseplate which work with arbitrarily small amounts of water, but they take longer to heat up in the first place because of all the extra metal around the element. There may indeed be a niche for this sonic heater, if it performs as advertised.

But there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch. If the sonic heater works very much faster, in seconds-per-gram terms, than any old discount-store electric jug, then it’s another perpetual motion machine, which would have a few applications beyond just making a quick cup of tea. and can be purchased now:

own here

own here

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Overunity Power Generator

Learn How To Install This Overunity Power Generator To Have Your Own Electricity

by Albert Watts

Without question, rising electricity costs has an extremely adverse effect on your budget, and is a huge reason that people seek out ways to get out of the clutches of the power companies. In response to this, more and more people are moving towards alternative cheap energy solutions to save money. A Homemade Generator can sound rather complicated yet intriguing - do you know what it is? Well, actually I can tell you that it is not quite as complicated as it sounds. It's much simpler than you would think.

The Magnetic Electricity Generator is much better in producing a constant source of energy than even other forms like solar or wind energy. This is because it does not need any sun to shine or the wind to blow before it can get any energy to produce. It can generate electricity twenty four hours in a day for seven days in a week. These devices operate in a manner which allows a significant amount of energy to be produced while a minimal amount of energy is used to sustain the magnetic motor generator itself.

Because a perpetual motion machine has the advantage of using the force of physical repulsion and attraction properties, it will produce free electricity continuously for you. A permanent magnet generator is also self sufficient. That is to say that it requires no external power source to operate itself on. This means that it runs on its own energy and therefore doesn't rely on anything to power it. A magnet energy generator is very, very simple and quick to build. Many people imagine these to be incredibly complex and highly detailed units to build but this is simply not the case at all.

When talking about power generators, most type of devices use some kind of liquid fuel, like gas or diesel, in order to work. Of course, in using an ordinary power generator, it is impossible to produce free electricity. But an overunity motor does not use, or need, fuel to run because the device produces a constant supply of free power.One of the biggest benefits to building a Simple Power Generator is that it can be built and ready to go for a cost of under $135. In most cases, people will find that they are able to easily make their overunity generator and have it up and running in little to no time at all.

It's no wonder that this type of device is not wanted to get out to the world. All that money that the companies who supply energy to homes will lose. There are many people that believe magnet energy is a potential threat to some corporations and that the growth of this technology is being purposely subdued .

Any genuine and serious energy enthusiast should really consider building their own permanent Magnet Electricity Generator. This means never having to worry about, or deal with, the power company ever again.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Over Unity Magnetic Motor - Is Over Unity a Myth?

What Is An Over Unity Motor?

Over unity is a phrase for any device that will create more power than it consumes. The energy output of the device exceeds any energy input to run the device. These days, there is quite a bit of interest in the magnetic motor and many people are finding this a viable, cheap alternative to supplement their home electric costs.

An over unity device generally has magnets arranged on a disk and another set of magnets that are in a fixed arrangement on a base around the perimeter. These magnets are set up so that they are alternately attracted and then repulsed thereby spinning the disk by the magnetic properties of the magnets.

Big Brother Says NO To "Free Energy"

It seems a very simple science, and one may wonder why nobody has thought of this before. Well, it has been thought of before, bear in mind, that nobody but us, "free thinking people" want a free energy source. Big business and government wants us dependent on them for our energy needs. After all, where would "they" be without "us" trapped into purchasing their consumable electric products. The last thing they want is a free energy source, unless of course, "they" control it.

Over Unity Magnetic Motor - How It Works

In essence, this device works through a series of magnetic force fields that are created by the magnets opposing North and South poles. I'm sure you've held two magnets together at some point in your life. One side opposes the other magnet, the other side attracts the other magnet.

Basically, this is how a magnet motor works to generate over unity perpetually, at least for 400 years, this is the length of time that a typical magnet will hold it's magnetic charge. With a detailed and step by step set of plans for building this motor, the average do-it-yourselfer can complete this project in a weekend and be reducing their monthly power bill at the same time. Find out how I built my over unity magnetic motor by clicking one of the links below...

Learn To Build Your Own - Step By Step

If you're ready to embrace this new and exciting technology of Over Unity Magnetic Motors. You can get your step by step plans to build your own over unity magnetic motor Here.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Over Unity Generator

Over Unity Generator - How To Generate Your Own Electricity

By Scott Harris

The over unity generator is a device that hundreds of thousands of people are making at home, DIY-style, and using it to generate large amounts of their own electricity. 7 kilowatts is a typical starting figure and this alone is enough to power most homes. What is "over unity" and how is it possible to make this theory a reality in terms of real, practical power generation? In this article, I will tell you how.

Over Unity Theory

Unity refers to a ratio. When people talk about over unity generators, they refer to machines that can produce more energy than is required to use in getting them to start or to run.

Over unity is not a new theory. It has been discussed and researched for over a century. Some of the major discoveries in over unity theory were by Nikola Tesla, a man widely regarded as the inventor of alternating current, without which there would be no way to transfer power over large distances and power every home.

Until recently, there were few and far between applications of this theory. This is mostly explained due to lobbyists and others with vested interests who do not like this technology because it upsets the status quo and will inevitably lead to a loss of profits in extracting fossil fuels and burning them up for power generation.

How To Build An Overunity Generator

An over unity generator is a very simple device indeed. It consists of little more than a rotor, upon which are mounted several strategically placed magnets. All that remains is to install and configure some copper wiring and you have almost everything you need to start generating your own power.

An initial input of force is put into the system (you can do this yourself or use a battery) and then the motion is self-sustaining. Frictional losses in the bearings and from air resistance are countered by the intrinsic properties of the magnets.

Overunity Generator Plans

While the over unity generator is very simple and easy to construct, you will still save yourself a lot of time and returning to the drawing board if you make use of a modern set of generator plans.

These may set you back around 50 bucks but, before you baulk at that price, consider how much your time is worth. If you prefer to try and figure it out yourself and are willing to tinker for a year or more (this is how long many of the recent pioneers have taken to refine their concepts into working prototypes) then be my guest. Most people, however, find that a 50 bucks investment is more than worth it if it means that they can get a generator up and running and producing 7 kilowatts of power in less than a week.

Quit paying the power company ever increasing amounts of your hard-earned cash. Get free tips on how to make your own magnetic energy generator here: Magnetic Motor Generator.